
I was starting to think I should have called this "Part 4: The Cursed Update". It's finally here! Part 4 of this series of tutorials covering SpriteKit and Swift. Sorry to those who have been waiting. Download this zip file before starting this section, which is the code for the...

Download this zip file before starting this section. So it looks as though our friends at Apple have been busy improving Swift. With the release of Swift 1.2 there are some new errors that popped up. In this little lesson we will clean up those errors in preparation for...

Download this zip file before starting this section. Previously: SpriteKit and Swift Part 1: Creating the Game Scene In this tutorial we are going to look at adding the player ship to the screen as shown in the image above. This tutorial is more the "bite size” that I...

Download this zip file before starting this section. Welcome to the first installment of this series of tutorials about game building with Swift and SpriteKit. There are already hundreds of tutorials on this subject, but the problem I have with many of the tutorials I've seen is that while...

Oh man have I been down this road before, starting my site and blog I mean. This time it's gonna stick, I can feel it. I've been working on reimplementing JVFloatingDrawer in Swift. The new project is called KGFloatingDrawer, and works as closely as possible to JVFloatingDrawer as I could...